Product Details for Material from Bosch Rexroth - 2476H-R900003109-MR - Bosch Rexroth R900003109

2476H-R900003109-MR Bosch Rexroth Bosch Rexroth R900003109

Part Nnumber
Bosch Rexroth R900003109
Bosch Rexroth
Basic price
9,45 EUR

The product with part number 2476H-R900003109-MR (Bosch Rexroth R900003109) is from company Bosch Rexroth and distributed with basic unit price 9,45 EUR. Minimal order quantity is 1 pc.

Cylinder Bolt ISO4762-M12X120-8.8-& Weight: 0,1 kg Norm: ISO4762 Customs tariff number: 73181569 County of origin: D

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